Malachi 4:2 "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall".
"Daytona Prophetic"
Last night I went to a camp meeting in Daytona Beach on a Church right of Highway 95, I have been chosen and ordained by God before the foundation of the Earth, I am a no one for man but for the Lord I am an anointed servant. Well in this meeting the anointing got so strong I had to bow on my knees and pray, while in the spirit, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, He was so bright and His splendor so magnificent, I was amazed and perplexed, all I could see was white and pure, and He gave me a circle and it was white and shining and in the middle of this circle I saw 4 stones, I know one was amethyst the other was emerald and another sapphire I think the fourth was sardonyx, these stones were given to me for healing, I am from the tribe of Levi by my father’s side and I listened to God’s call and I pray and worship and am thankful for the Lord new me before the foundation of the earth. When I got up I was totally involved in the Spirit of God, I started dancing with my white and silver scarf, a man put his hand on me and my heart started to jump, immediately I laid my hands over his heart and he started shaking and full of the spirit, I know the lord healed his heart. I went back to dancing when I leaned on the exit door and it open; I shut it not to disturb the worship, and the Lord told me: Go outside by this door, and I obeyed His voice. When I got to the side of the building, I saw 4 creatures flying about the door, I got my scarf and started to pray on the right side of the Church. Than right above where they are building a new sanctuary to the right of it I saw an Angel, it was white and had great white wings, in the left I saw a splendor of golden lights and in the middle I saw a Lion and eagle I asked the Lord what it means? He told me the angel represents the great Revival braking in the United States. The Lion represents Jesus Christ over His church and the eagle means strength, He will give strength to pray, worship and intercede, for I would need it. And flying about were four birds flying free over the church towards me, these four birds bring freedom to the church, freedom in the spirit, so the Holy Spirit can perform His deliverance over His people, so I designed the banner with my Vision, in Daytona Beach, Daytona is on Highwat 95 (One Of The 5 Highways of Revival in The USA)there will be a great Revival Breaking, the angel of Revival appeared to me. 2009 it is exactly 100 years from the Azuza St Revival, this one will be even greater and the last. The Azusa Street revivalist, William J. Seymour, prophesied in 1909 that within 100 years there would be a release of the Shekinah Glory of God that would burn brighter than what took place during the Azusa Street Revival. During that revival there were incredible miracles that marveled the masses—like limbs growing out! God is preparing the Body of Christ to shine with this glory that the nations would see and come to the brightness of our rising! Isaiah 60 says that His glory will be seen upon you!
Luke 10:2
Jesus told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Jesus Christ The Lord made me a worker and he will give me visions of now and what it will come to be and I am going into this field. Alleluia Lord, you are first in my life and I give my life to you, use me Lord, move me in Your Spirit, let the prophecies come forth in Jesus name I pray.. The Lord says: Daytona Beach is one of four cities in Florida of the United States to be on fire for God, the greatest revival on earth ever since Moise’s The Lord said clearly to me: Open the book of Joel 2 and this is what has been prophecied for such a time as this. I was blessed indeed, and here I am writing to you about it, Maranatha Come Lord Come, we declare revival a new life a new spirit a new birth arises, God brought His Kingdom to the earth, and we will rejoice, we will sing praises to my Lord. Until He takes us Home we will sing praises to His name.